Bespoke Hypnosis With Hypnotist Kris Anthony |

Bespoke Hypnosis Projects

As a professional Hypnotist with over 20+ years of experience in stage hypnosis, hypnotherapy and hypnosis training, I can help you with any bespoke hypnosis project you may have.

Whether it be a full show, personal therapy, a television hypnosis project, as trade show entertainment, training or a personal project, I can help you achieve the hypnotic result you need.

You can contact me by email at or by calling 07786 460350 for any worldwide bespoke hypnosis therapy or project you may need.

Some points to consider when choosing your Hypnotist…

  • Stage Hypnosis (and Hypnotherapy) is not Government regulated so please be careful with the entertainer you book. Stage Hypnosis is safe with a competent and experienced Hypnotist but in the wrong hands, problems  may occur.
  • So many Hypnotists claim to be ‘The Worlds Quickest’ amongst other bold claims of ‘1000’s hypnotised’ (when they have just ventured out with hypnotism and are ‘testing the water’). As much as everyone has to start somewhere, DON’T LAND UP BEING SOMEONES GUINEA PIG. I went from a therapist to performing on stage so the transition was smooth as I knew how to induce hypnosis safely and how to deal with any issues (abreactions) that may arise.

In short, in the wrong hands hypnosis CAN directly or indirectly cause harm. The main criteria in my opinion is experience. Like learning to drive, anyone can learn to hypnotise someone, its what you do and how you treat it is the main problem.

Having performed Stage Hypnosis since the early 2000’s, I combine comedy and safety with my shows. Over the years many have popped up on the scene having read a book or watched an internet course which just spells out trouble. Your guests, colleagues, friends…yes, we all want to laugh but not at someone’s LONG TERM expense. There are procedures within the show that you have to take in order for them to be happy after the show with no damage to the psyche. I have yet to see a course which covers this.

All stage hypnosis shows or stage hypnosis training can be paid for by all major credit cards via Stripe payment services or PayPal. Visit the store section of this website for further details.

Bespoke Hypnosis |

If you like it that much, I can train you on how to do a whole 1 hour performance! Click the following link Stage Hypnosis Training

For information about myself, click the following link >Kris Anthony<

For my Instagram account, click the following link Kris Anthony Instagram

Kingston upon Hull