How do you become a Stage Hypnotist with Kris von Sponneck
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– Ever wanted to train as a Stage Hypnotist?
– Ever wanted to know how Stage Hypnosis works?
– Are you a Clinical Hypnotherapist that wants to do public demonstrations?
– Are you a trained Stage Hypnotist that needs more information or has failed in a show?
– Just curious?
Stage Hypnotism Training by Hypnotist Kris Anthony. Included are two complete shows broken down (the only parts that are taken out are any adult content).
Same course is on Udemy for £189 with a rating of 4.7 out of 5.
Here is some of the feedback from Udemy:
“I’m learning so much thank you for being awesome!”
“Really amazing course. Very thorough covers in depth knowledge of stage hypnosis. If you have experience with other forms of hypnotism, this will add to you’re knowledge base.”
“Easy to follow. Looking forward to going deeper into the subject material”
“I bought the course so I could learn and get paid which I have now done with my first show out of the way. Back up was good as Kris was very helpful with the video call backup. Would advise and recommend a hundred times over”
“Easy to follow along, and the sections dive into specific areas for the Stage Hypnotist!”
“Great content. Great sharing of experiences. Everything I expected from a person with such a great experience doing stage hypnosis across Europe. A lot of golden nuggets.”
Over a 20 year period I have performed across Europe performing as a Stage Hypnotist. Working in venues from the local pub to top corporate companies (even Hypnotising the Queens Guards in 2009). I’ve earned good money and more important, I’ve had great fun doing it….YOU CAN TOO! Hypnotising someone is the easy part, it’s the problems and challenges that come your way whilst performing this mesmerising and intriguing craft. I learnt the hard way…you don’t have to.
Imagine you are on stage, the posters are up everywhere with you name on it, your audience are up on stage with you…and it goes all wrong. Well, I have heard it does. Understanding EXACTLY what is going through their minds is not taught in other courses and is the most important part in learning this skill.
There are many Hypnotists worldwide…take your average Hypnotist and place them in a tough corporate company show or an non obedient social club in the North of England and they will fail miserably. Its fine practicing with other Hypnotists on a course or with family and friends wanting to please you and cooperating with you but if you want to be paid with this skill you really do need to be prepared.
The problem I see with most training is that it is done ‘working on theory’ not what ‘works in the real world’. It is so often taught by Hypnotists that have just done a handful of shows or none at all! Fancy inductions are often taught that don’t work in a performance environment, even how Stage Hypnotism is taught is not the real (or main) reason to how it works. This leads to thousands of books/DVD’s purchased and resulting to a small amount of working Stage Hypnotists that either don’t feel confident enough to perform or that have tried it and died on their feet. This must be the worst experience ever…a Hypnotist that cant Hypnotise. You need to go on a Stage Hypnotist training course where you will come away from it feeling confident you can go out and perform shows.
- THE REAL TRUTH TO HOW & WHY IT WORKS (most Hypnotists either do not know or realise the real psychological state the subject / volunteers are in). This is explained…when you know fully how it works you can be more effective & more powerful as a Comedy Stage Hypnotist.
- When to use a fast hypnotic induction and when to use a slow one. There are specific advantages/disadvantages to both
- 3 Hypnotic Inductions including 2 rapid inductions and the hand clasp routine
- Choosing your best subjects from the available volunteers
- Creating your own stage persona
- Sound and lighting / PA equipment
- Marketing and promoting yourself as a Comedy Stage Hypnotist
- How and when to use ‘props’ within the show
- Extra source of income via hypnosis including group stop smoking sessions
- Routines & skits that always gain laughter
- Insurance & the law
….and so much more from one of the most experienced Comedy Stage Hypnotists in Europe.
Course will be backed up by a video call to go through all.
All stage hypnosis shows or stage hypnosis training can be paid for by all major credit cards via Stripe payment services or PayPal. Visit the store section of this website for further details.
If you like it that much, I can train you on how to do a whole 1 hour performance! Click the following link Stage Hypnosis Training
For further information, please call me on 07786 460350 or email
If you like it that much, I can train you on how to do a whole 1 hour performance! Click the following link Stage Hypnosis Training
For information about myself, click the following link >Kris Anthony <
How do you become a stage hypnotist